Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Psalm 96 All Things Old Are Made New
God is our refuge in a world of chaos. Our planet is undergoing dramatic change the likes of which has never been seen before. There is no sign of an ebbing of the rapid pace of transformation. In the midst of all of this turmoil, there is a source of stability and permanence in our lives should we choose to embrace it.
In the spiritual realm there is the reliability of Principle. We have the Law and the guidelines with which we can most effortlessly navigate our lives. On a macro level we know the basics:
As you believe, you shall receive.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
As within, so without.
In the spiritual realm there is the reliability of Principle. We have the Law and the guidelines with which we can most effortlessly navigate our lives. On a macro level we know the basics:
As you believe, you shall receive.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
As within, so without.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Psalm 89 The Covenant of Love
No matter how far we veer from our spiritual path, God is true to God’s promises. Even when we are in the depths of despair, we should know that all experiences in our lives have one purpose: to lead us to God. We need only recognize that fact and step forward in faith and love to claim our divine inheritance.
God's promise,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Psalm 126 Awaking from the Dream
Have you noticed that we tend to label things we do not want or do not like, evil? It is interesting how we take our own expectations and standards and make them the benchmark for ‘right’ in the world. Much of the suffering in this world is merely a dream (or perhaps nightmare) of our own creation. This is not to say that we should completely discount the presence of evil in the world, but it does help us take a step back and look more closely. More often than not our experience of suffering is caused by our own inability to let go of what we think should be and instead accept on what is.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Psalm 85 Understanding and Growth
The challenge in walking the spiritual path is that the more we learn, the more disciplined our lives must become. We must become the evidence of our understanding. Spiritual growth is never a straight upward climb. There are always surges forward followed by times of retreat and backsliding. When we become deeply aware of our spiritual nature (restored the fortunes of Jacob), the edges of our lives are smoothed and we seem to coast along more easily. Inevitably, we will be asked to explore another growing edge. These opportunities are challenging and at times it can feel as though we are being punished (will you be angry with us forever).
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Psalm 80 Look Within
As we navigate our spiritual journey, we should expect to have trials and tribulations along the way. These experiences help us broaden and strengthen our understanding and faith. There are times, however, when we are caught off guard by these troubles and instead of looking within for guidance; we are seduced into relying on external stimuli for information and direction. Undoubtedly when we make these mistakes, we experience a great deal of suffering in our lives.
inner life,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Psalm 100 Present in Praise
Have you noticed that it is difficult to praise God when we are focused on the past or the future? The only moment in which we can truly experience the Divine is now. This poem calls every fiber of our being in to joyous praise. We are to be fully present in the present. Giving thanks to God should be done with gladness not fear or moroseness. Singing is an activity that draws our whole being into praise. When we sing the sound causes vibrations within and around us, creating harmony. Also singing relaxes the left or analytical brain. It allows us to be fully present in the moment.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Psalm 123 Spiritual Pride
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Psalm 34 Lessons for Life
Monday, October 24, 2011
Psalm 107 Giving Up the Fight
Monday, October 17, 2011
Psalm 90 The Wrath of the Law
We experience a process of degeneration and regeneration on the path. We turn to our own ways (dust) and then God calls us back to our spiritual nature. This is an on going process in our spiritual awakening. We make forward progress and then slip, as we are given tougher tests in life. But we who are persistent continue on. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for us to learn the Truth (for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past). Once we understand our true nature it is as if it has always been that way (the years are swept away).
Friday, October 14, 2011
Psalm 99 Mystery and The Sacred Life
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Psalm 106 Obstinacy
Friday, September 30, 2011
Psalm 19 Divine Intelligence
Divine law,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Psalm 78 Revelation
Plagues of Egypt,
spiritual practice,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Psalm 98 Breakthrough
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Psalm 149 The Two-Edged Sword
God song,
two-edged sword,
Friday, August 26, 2011
Psalm 26 Integrity
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Psalm 124 A Place of Safety in the Flood
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Psalm 133 Oneness
born again,
new eyes,
Friday, August 5, 2011
Psalm 105 The Promised Land
forty years,
Promised Land,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Psalm 17 Effective Prayer
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Psalm 107 Giving Up the Fight
Holy Spirit,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Psalm 139 God is Great! God is Good!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Psalm 119:105-112 Discipline
It is not through intellectual understanding that we follow God. It is through surrendering to the Divine that we attain wisdom and understanding. Knowing God is not an overnight process but a lifelong one. Age does not necessarily bring wisdom, for one who is obstinate may have lived many years, but has not learned the true lessons of life. We can only hope that each day, in fact every minute and second, that our mind is open and receptive enough to learn all of the new lessons before us. When we follow the law it is a sweet thing because we can rest in the comfort of God’s protection and in the Truth. 8KQGVYRRHRJQ
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Psalm 45 The Spiritual Marriage
In the Scriptures we see many different types of relationships between man and woman, beginning of course with the story of Adam and Eve. When reading the texts in the context of the deeper spiritual meaning, one sees that both the masculine and feminine represent various faculties within the individual consciousness. Masculinity symbolizes the intellect, mind and wisdom. Femininity on the other hand symbolizes for the intuition, emotions, feelings, love and the soul. These are not intended as pejorative labels and these ideas do not necessarily represent social roles for individuals. Within each man and woman all of these faculties exist and are to be developed appropriately.
Holy Spirit,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Psalm 13 In God’s Time
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Psalm 8 Dominion
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Psalm 104 Creativity
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Psalm 93 God in the Center
The one fact is God. All other things are circumstance. -UnknownIf we think about it for a minute, it is a strange thing that so often we feel distant and removed from God. How is it that we experience isolation from a God who always is, has been, and will be in our presence and in our midst?
Holy Spirit,
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Psalm 66 God's Grace
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Psalm 31 Cycles of Growth
As we walk along our spiritual path, our lives and experiences move in cycles. First, there is the time of rapid advancement in which we have a lot of activity going on and our progress feels very real and measurable. These times can be experienced as a high because we are in the flow and we can feel it with every fiber of our being. We feel the Presence and Power of God in a tangible way. These are the times in which we are acutely aware of Divine activity in our lives.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Psalm 23 Green Pastures
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Psalm 116 A Near Death Experience
During our darkest times (snares of death, pangs of Sheol), we can always turn to that still small voice within for answers. Death is merely the belief that we are separate from God. If that thought is anywhere in our consciousness, we are dead in spirit. We cannot achieve our full potential without knowing that we are one with God and that in that relationship we live, move and have our being. When we trust in God’s steadfast love and faithfulness (call on the name of the Lord), we are delivered.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Psalm 16 Divine Protection
Holy Spirit,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Psalm 118 Rebirth
We celebrate the resurrection of the Christ this week. This triumphant story has a profound connection to our own walk with God. We experience death when we become overly attached to the world and the external. The creative power of God (right hand) raises us up and out of the confusion of our physical and mental fixations. If we open our hearts and minds, Spirit can show us the straight and narrow path (open to me the gates of righteousness). This is the way to our inner Christ. Only when we surrender our lives to God can we enter into our spiritual domain. It is important to give thanks for each step along the spiritual journey, because thanksgiving makes our experiences more fruitful. As we make this shift, we repossess our spiritual inheritance of abundance, health and happiness (salvation).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Psalm 31 Cycles of Growth
As we walk along our spiritual path, our lives and experiences move in cycles. First, there is the time of rapid advancement in which we have a lot of activity going on and our progress feels very real and measurable. These times can be experienced as a high because we are in the flow and we can feel it with every fiber of our being. We feel the Presence and Power of God in a tangible way. These are the times in which we are acutely aware of Divine activity in our lives.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Psalm 118 Death
How do you respond to the idea of death, with resistance or acceptance? The dramatic stories of the holy week in the Jewish and Christian traditions remind us that we must be willing to face death directly in order experience salvation. Are you in tune with the small deaths that you are confronted with daily? As spiritual seekers, we must die to our attachments to the world.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Psalm 130 Morning Comes
Existence of God,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Psalm 23 Green Pastures
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Psalm 95 Steadfast Faith
God is steadfastly loyal and loving, regardless of our behavior. But what is the human initiative in this relationship? And what does it mean in terms of our life, if we fulfill our promise and potential in God’s eyes? We have the gift of freewill. That power can be put to use in the service of Spirit or it can be squandered pursuing the things of the world.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Psalm 121 The Lord Waits On You
As we reach a deeper level of spiritual understanding, many things become clearer to us. Christ said, as you give so shall you receive. Most of us relate to this to in a very limited way. We think that if we give money or love, we will receive them in kind. But perhaps the most important application of this principle is in our relationship with God. When we serve God joyously and wholeheartedly, we will find that Spirit will serve us everyday in every way. Turning our lives over to God opens the floodgates so that God’s Presence and Power may guide us.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Psalm 32 Acknowledging Our Sins
Do your sins define who you are? Are they opportunities for you to learn and grow? Or do you hide your sins from yourself and others to maintain a facade? To sin is merely “to miss the mark” and we are all constantly doing that. How we process our missteps is just as important as the actual sin.
It is important to remember that we must acknowledge our sins before we can be healed of them. What does that mean? It does not mean that we wallow in them, feel guilty about them, give them power over us, or punish ourselves over them. It merely means that we must delve deep enough within our consciousness to know they are there. We cannot heal a trait that we do not recognize. As the psalmist says, we try to hide our iniquities from God. In reality, God is omniscient and so we have really only tried to hide our sins from ourselves.
It is important to remember that we must acknowledge our sins before we can be healed of them. What does that mean? It does not mean that we wallow in them, feel guilty about them, give them power over us, or punish ourselves over them. It merely means that we must delve deep enough within our consciousness to know they are there. We cannot heal a trait that we do not recognize. As the psalmist says, we try to hide our iniquities from God. In reality, God is omniscient and so we have really only tried to hide our sins from ourselves.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Psalm 2 Overcoming Ego
The human ego is an interesting gift. It allows us to become incarnate and move through the world. Through the ego the personality is formed which enables us to become a unique manifestation of God. But it is also the source of much stress and strife in our lives. Our egos cause us to perceive ourselves as separate from God and each other. The ego is a powerful force that fights to maintain control of the consciousness.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Psalm 131 The Faith of a Toddler
To have the trust and faith in God that an infant has in its mother, is the ultimate achievement for the spiritual seeker. The child does not question or analyze its mother, It merely knows that she will take care of his needs. The Hebrew word gamal means wean but it also means to ripen, to serve, and to benefit. To wean means to disengage from a habit by discontinuance, but it also implies care and preparation for that eventual separation.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Psalm 119:33-40 God at the Center
We must serve God with our whole heart. This is an all or nothing proposition. A dual-minded person is a confused person and cannot experience peace of mind.
We all experience trials and set backs in our mindset (those who taunt me), as we walk along the path. But we never need fear for once we have heard the word—it never fully leaves us. We may temporarily put it aside but it is still there waiting for us to recall the Truth. When we adhere to the law we experience a freedom like no other. However this freedom comes with the responsibility to keep God at the center of our life and to do it joyfully. In fact if we have truly turned our life over to Spirit, the joy is a product of that decision. (A)nd you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.
We all experience trials and set backs in our mindset (those who taunt me), as we walk along the path. But we never need fear for once we have heard the word—it never fully leaves us. We may temporarily put it aside but it is still there waiting for us to recall the Truth. When we adhere to the law we experience a freedom like no other. However this freedom comes with the responsibility to keep God at the center of our life and to do it joyfully. In fact if we have truly turned our life over to Spirit, the joy is a product of that decision. (A)nd you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Psalm 119:1-8 Centering
It is effortless to adhere to the laws of gravity, we do not have to think about it and plan, because it is a law of nature and the way things should be. Only if we try to bend the laws of nature do we find ourselves struggling. When we are single-mindedly focused on God, it is effortless to keep the statutes, because that is the natural way of things. God has a plan for our lives and if we fix our minds on divine will rather than our own, we will find that the struggles of life will fade away. How do we do this? Through daily meditation, spiritual practice and heeding the call of the still small voice inside of us (our intuition).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Psalm 112 True Wealth
We can be truly happy only when we fear God and love the law. What does this mean? Most of us view fear and laws as negative incentives to do something against our will. In the spiritual realm nothing could be further from the truth. Fearing God and loving the law are states of mind in which we direct our full attention Godward. And instead of being binding, it is this that sets us free.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Psalm 15 Abiding
Once we have had a taste of “knowing” God, most of us have the desire to remain in that space and time. Those moments of abiding give us the gift of forgetting our self and being our Self in all its glory. We seek techniques or methods to sustain to that unitive experience. Unfortunately the more effort we give to “trying” to achieve that experience again, the more likely we are to push it away. Eventually we find that the simple spiritual practices keep us on the narrow path from which our awareness of the Presence of the Divine is more focused. From those practices we open ourselves step by step to a Spirit-led life.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Psalm 27 Spiritual Warfare
When we are in the middle of difficult circumstances, there is nothing more powerful than knowing that God is there with us and that all is well. Our needs are already known and supplied. We do not have to ask God for anything, we merely have to open our minds to the knowledge that there is only good in our life and bless our circumstances. God is the source of our wisdom (light) and our inheritance (salvation). In the knowledge and understanding of our rightful place as children of God, what should we fear? If all that is God’s is ours, how can there be any lack?
If God is for us, who is against us? (Rom 8:31)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Psalm 40 Obedience
We, as Truth seekers, know that in order to achieve full realization of our Christ potential, the only thing that is required of us is obedience. It sounds very simple, but for us to get to a state of mind in which we are fully compliant to Spirit is an arduous process. In many respects those who are considered to be on the fringes of society have a much easier time with this demand. This is because they often times do not have to release all of the things we are taught to help us fit in to the social order. As any one who has walked the path can tell, there are times when spiritual realization is a lonely road. The decisions we make do not fit the mold of what society tells us, we should want and do. Those around us think that we have truly lost our mind. This is called living in the world but not of the world. In order to be obedient to Spirit, we must go within for guidance and direction in making decisions, because God’s way is never the way of the world.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Psalm 29 Renewal and Glorification
Psalm 29 is a call to worship and glorify the Lord. It has been said that glorification is the highest spiritual state of consciousness attainable by human beings. In order to glorify the Lord, we must understand God. This is a difficult concept to convey in words because typically when we think of understanding, it implies some intellectual or analytical exercise. Spiritual understanding does not have this connotation.
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