Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Rejuvenating Activity of Praise
Divine law,
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Psalm 80 Look Within
As we take our spiritual journey, we should expect to have trials and tribulations along the way. These experiences help us broaden and strengthen our understanding and faith. There are times, however, when we are caught off guard by these troubles and instead of looking within for guidance; we are seduced into relying on external signs for information and direction. Undoubtedly when we make these errors, we experience a great deal of suffering in our lives.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Psalm 56 Turn It Over to God
When we find ourselves in any circumstance that is overwhelming, we must remember that we always have the answer at hand. There is always a lesson to be learned. There is no bad or evil experience. We need only to turn it over to God and all will be made clear.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Psalm 103 Gratitude
It is important to approach each day with an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is not something we express only
when things are going well or only for those experiences we enjoy. We must be grateful for everything. That includes the challenges we all face. If we can take a Christ-like view of our
lives we will see blessings in every situation, no matter what the appearance
is. This is the secret to health,
happiness, and prosperity.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Psalm 25 Grace
Divine grace,
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Psalm 93 God in the Center
- Unknown
we think about it for a minute, it is a strange thing that so often we
feel distant and removed from God. How is it that we experience
isolation from a God who always is, has been, and will be in our
presence and in our midst?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Psalm 16 Divine Protection
One of the most important aspects of a relationship with the Divine is that it improves the believer’s everyday life. This is commonly referred to as the protection of God. For the faithful there is a perspective on every situation that is beyond the worldly appearance. Without faith in God and the spiritual perspective, the world seems to be an evil place. This prayer of thanksgiving to God is a strong affirmation of faith that there is no good apart from the Divine. The spiritual life offers us the ability to see any circumstance from the divine point of view (holy ones in the land).
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Psalm 127 Our Foundation
Frequently, we encounter people who believe that they are the masters of their own successes. They will not acknowledge a higher presence at work in their lives. They toil away at their lives attempting to reach greater heights. These are inevitably the same people who find themselves in a great mess in their lives at some point, because instead of identifying with their spiritual nature, they have identified themselves with some worldly thing (money, job title, familial role, etc.). Once the world as they know it has been taken away from them, they struggle to find meaning in their lives.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Psalm 146 Trust in God
Human beings are strange creatures in that we trust that the sun will rise and set but do not trust in the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God. No other creature in all of creation has less than absolute faith in Spirit; that which is behind, within and around everything we experience. It is absurd for us to trust in the sun but not trust in God. Each and everyday we are confronted with the miracles that are proof of this Presence, yet we question.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Psalm 34 Lessons for Life
One of the most challenging aspects of the spiritual life is that the Spirit of the Divine requires a blank canvas (poor soul), on which to paint its perfect portrait. We must approach God with pure humility, laying aside our personal will, in the search for true spiritual understanding. Any troubles we experience are only a reflection of our erroneous beliefs of our separation from God and each other. We experience separation primarily when we become deeply self-centered. When we choose to make ourselves our center, our connection to God fades.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Psalm 104 Divine Creativity
We have the opportunity to participate in the field of Divine creativity each and every day. God is constantly reaching towards us (laying the beams of his chambers). We need only be receptive. This current of life imparts divine ideas (messengers) and the cleansing and purifying activity of Spirit (fire and flames your ministers).
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Psalm 26 Integrity
What does the word integrity mean? Most of us think of this word in terms of either being in accordance with worldly standards or some standard we have set for ourselves. This psalm explores an alternate meaning for the word. It is not of our own strength that we claim integrity. It is when we know that God is before us and behind us every step that we can rest in our faith. To stand in integrity is to conform unwaveringly to God’s standard or God’s will through attention to the Christ presence within us.
test of faith,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Psalm 1 The Path to Happiness
So often we find ourselves very unhappy although we are following the culturally prescribed path to happiness. The media tells us if we buy more things, we will be happy. Our friends and family tell us that if we become powerful lawyers, doctors or CEOs we will be happy. These worldly things may bring a semblance of happiness, but it is always transient. Any time that we look outside of ourselves for happiness, we will inevitably be disappointed.
Divine presence,
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Psalm 19 Divine Intelligence
Higher self,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Psalm 98 Breakthrough
Spiritual growth is not a straight upward climb. We experience times of major forward progress. Then we reach a plateau stage, where things roll along smoothly. After this phase of development, we typically have some sort of major upheaval in which our faith is tested. If we pass these tests with harmlessness, we begin the cycle again. The shift from upheaval to major advancement is called a breakthrough.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Psalm 125 The Sanctuary of Faith
For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. - Matthew 17:20When we have faith in God, we are firmly planted in the commonwealth (cannot be moved, but abides forever). Our hearts and minds are fixed on the Lord. We are protected (surrounded) by our level of spiritual understanding (mountains). Most of us believe that we have to do good things in order to reach God. This is actually the opposite of the way the process works. We must first turn our lives over to God (upright in heart), and then through the activity of Spirit we are able to fulfill our spiritual potential and do good works.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Psalm 84 Worshipping in the Temple
Once we have turned our attention Godward, we are transformed. When we have had a taste of the Truth it becomes irresistible to us. Even though there are many challenges to be met along the way, when we have experienced the joy of letting go and letting God, it is impossible to forget. There is such happiness and harmony when we go with the flow of Spirit rather than resisting. What a gift it is to learn that God truly has only our best interests at heart! When we put ourselves completely into God’s hands, we can have all of these things with no effort of our own.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Psalm 111 Praise as Practice
Many believe that in order to praise God we must go to church or secret ourselves away in prayer and meditation. While these are fine ways to spend time, we must understand that with every breath we take we make a choice whether or not to praise God. If we live in worldly consciousness, we praise that giving our thoughts to the external. When we decide to view all things in our lives spiritually and act accordingly, we praise God.
spiritual practice,
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Psalm 130 Morning Comes
If God were tallying errors how could any us stand tall? But in God’s eyes we are all worthy. God’s nature is merciful, so there is hope for us all. The forgiveness of God merely requires that we be receptive to changing our attitudes and thoughts, and be willing to orient our lives around our relationship to God.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Psalm 24 Sincerity of Purpose
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Psalm 48 The Fortress of Love
Love is the most powerful force in the world. This statement sounds idealistic, at best, and insane, at worst, in world of materialism and greed. But those who have attained some level of spiritual understanding know that the power of love can conquer all evil (ungodliness). If we take the time to observe, we can easily see that love has the ability to transform any circumstance. If we can remember to apply the force of love in all of our challenging situations, we will be astounded at the level of security it provides.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Psalm 130 Morning Comes
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Psalm 9 God Our Foundation
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Psalm 20 The Victory
Many people spend their whole lives looking for a victory. Success in a career, marrying the right man/woman, owning a nice home, and financial riches are all external conquests. Although these are nice things to have, they mean nothing without the Great Victory. The victory of Spirit (salvation) within the individual is the only victory that really matters. We need not worry about the petty concerns of the world. For if we successfully attain spiritual enlightenment all of the above and more will be given to us.
But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Psalm 130 Morning Comes
If God were tallying errors how could any us stand tall? But in God’s eyes we are all worthy of love. God’s nature is merciful, so there is hope for us all. The forgiveness of God merely requires that we be receptive to changing our attitudes and thoughts, and be willing to set off on the spiritual path of seeking Truth.
wait on the Lord
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Psalm 29 Renewal and Glorification
It has been said that glorification is the highest spiritual state of consciousness attainable by human beings. In order to glorify the Lord, we must understand God. This is a difficult concept to convey in words because typically when we think of understanding, it implies some intellectual or analytical exercise. Spiritual understanding does not have this connotation.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Psalm 104 Creativity
We have the opportunity to participate in the field of Divine creativity each and every day. God is constantly reaching towards us (laying the beams of his chambers). We need only be receptive. This current of life imparts divine ideas (messengers) and the cleansing and purifying activity of Spirit (fire and flames your ministers).
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Psalm 1 The Path to Happiness
So often we find ourselves very unhappy although we are following the culturally prescribed path to happiness. The media tells us if we buy more things, we will be happy. Our friends and family tell us that if we become powerful lawyers, doctors or CEOs we will be happy. These worldly things may bring a semblance of happiness, but it is always transient. Any time that we look outside of ourselves for happiness, we will inevitably be disappointed.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Psalm 98 Breakthrough
Spiritual unfoldment is not a straight upward climb. We find that we have times of major forward progress. Then we reach a plateau stage, where things kind of roll along smoothly. After this phase of development, we typically have some sort of major upheaval in which our faith is tested. If we pass these tests with harmlessness, we begin the cycle again. The shift from upheaval to major advancement is called a breakthrough.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Psalm 22 The Dawn
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Psalm 23 Green Pastures
Green Pastures. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Psalm 4 Changing Your Thinking
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Psalm 133 Oneness
When we begin to understand our spiritual heritage, our entire perspective is changed forever. The commonwealth of God is only experienced from the perspective of unity. It is godly (good) to recognize and embrace the oneness of all things (live together in unity). Because we are all of God, we are all one. Spiritual consciousness is the recognition and experience of unity, the oneness of everything and everybody in God. From the unified perspective nothing but love exists, for we are all God and we are all one.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Psalm 118 Rebirth
We celebrate the resurrection of the Christ this week. This triumphant story has a profound connection to our own walk with God. We experience death when we become overly attached to the world and the external. The creative power of God (right hand) raises us up and out of the confusion of our physical and mental fixations. If we open our hearts and minds, Spirit can show us the straight and narrow path (open to me the gates of righteousness), the way to our inner Christ. Only when we surrender our lives to God can we enter into our spiritual domain. It is important to give thanks for each step along the spiritual journey, because thanksgiving makes our experiences more fruitful. As we make this shift, we repossess our spiritual inheritance of abundance, health and happiness (salvation).
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Psalm 118 Death
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Psalm 51 In the Right Spirit
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Psalm 107 Giving Up the Fight
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Psalm 19 Divine Intelligence
There is an underlying intelligence in all things that is evidenced by the constant change in the world. Nothing stays the same. That is because of Divine energy that moves us forward through the process of evolution. It is the source of all life. From every beat of our heart, to the seed that becomes a plant, this life force creates life. We can choose to cooperate with that force or we can attempt to fight it, for God has given us freewill. But there are consequences of resisting. This force moves us towards the greatest good at all times.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Psalm 22 The Dawn
All of us suffer through experiences where the appearance of things can make us question our relationship with God: whether God is still near us and whether we are worthy of God’s attention. We know better, but at times we are overwhelmed by the enormity of our circumstance. It is always darkest before the dawn.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Psalm 25 Grace
inner guide,
wait on the Lord
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Psalm 30 The Great Physician
Is it God’s will for us to experience health? Doctors who understand will tell you that they do not and cannot heal. The medical profession has been trained in some protocols that may (or may not) hasten the process of healing. But healing is a process that the created Universe seems to be bathed in. There is a healing Presence that we have the opportunity to experience in all facets of our lives.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Psalm 147 Giving Praise
Praise is the act of recognizing the good (God) in any and every situation. When we understand that God is with us always, our reaction to challenges in our life is transformed from attempting to escape into profound appreciation. Each and every situation brings with it an important life lesson, if we choose to investigate it. When we are spiritually blind we spend our lives trying to avoid tests and end up in a lot of pain because of it. If instead we give thanks for every circumstance no matter how small or how difficult it may appear, it will refine our hearts and minds.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Psalm 111 Praise As Practice
Many believe that in order to praise God we must go to church or secret ourselves away in meditation. While these are fine ways to spend time, we must understand that with every breath we take we make a choice whether or not to praise God. If we live in worldly consciousness, we praise that giving our thoughts to the external. When we decide to view all things in our lives spiritually and act accordingly, we praise God. Christianity is a practical daily application of Universal Truth, not theory.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Psalm 62 There Is Only God
The spiritually awake person knows that through all of the experiences in life and no matter how real the physical world may seem, there is only God. When we understand this, we view the world through a different light. Many of the situations in the world believed to be evil or wrong take on a new context if we know that God is present in every situation. We can bless each and every person and situation, as a lesson to bring us closer to our true spiritual nature.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Psalm 139 God, the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent
When we sit back and truly contemplate all that we are, we cannot help but be mesmerized. Each beat of our heart takes so many interrelated processes working in exact harmony. We know that it is impossible that human being could create something so perfect. If we sit and observe the precision of nature, we are filled with a profound reverence for life and for God. One can only take comfort in the immanence and steadfast love of God. We should take time to contemplate our lives and marvel at the wonder that is our existence.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Psalm 29 Renewal and Glorification
It has been said that glorification is the highest spiritual state of consciousness attainable by human beings. In order to glorify the Lord, we must understand God. This is a difficult concept to convey in words because typically when we think of understanding, it implies some intellectual or analytical exercise. Spiritual understanding does not have this connotation.
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