If we think about it for a minute, it is a strange thing that so often we feel distant and removed from God. How is it that we experience isolation from a God who always is, has been, and will be in our presence and in our midst?The one fact is God. All other things are circumstance.- Unknown
Our experience of God at the end of the day is rooted in our consciousness. The human experience is one in which we have the ability, with our minds, to completely disengage from the present or what is and travel to any place of our choosing. While this ability is an amazing gift and the core of the divine gift of free will, it is also the source of so much of our pain and suffering.
The truth is that God is all there is (robed in majesty). God is omniscient, omnipotent (girded with strength) and omnipresent (established the world) and that is unchanging (it shall never be moved). God has always been and will always be the center of our consciousness and life (your throne is established of old; you are from everlasting). We were created in the image and likeness of God and in God we have our being.
However, the nature of being in the world is that there are a plethora of things (sensory and other) that distract us from the truth of who we are. Worldly perceptions can easily flood the mind. They demand our attention (lifted up their voice), in fact, if we allow them, they can consume our energy and life (roaring).
The external world is wrought with chaos and confusion but in the center of our being, there is a source of stability and calm. Spirit is more powerful than all of the powers of the world and calms the floods, when we remain rooted in our spiritual nature—connected to the Christ presence within us. The nature of God, the immanence of the Christ and the healing activity of the Spirit (decrees) are inviolable and something we can rely upon. All we have to do is remember the nature of God and turn to that place within us (your house) where we experience embrace of the Spirit.
And so it is! Amen!
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