Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Psalm 72 Illumination

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Psalm 80 Look Within
As we take our spiritual journey, we should expect to have trials and
tribulations along the way. These experiences help us broaden and
strengthen our understanding and faith. There are times, however, when
we are caught off guard by these troubles and instead of looking within
for guidance; we are seduced into relying on external signs for
information and direction. Undoubtedly when we make these errors, we
experience a great deal of suffering in our lives.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Psalm 146 Trust in God
Human beings are strange creatures in that we trust that the sun will
rise and set but do not trust in the omnipotence, omniscience and
omnipresence of God. No other creature in all of creation has less than
absolute faith in Spirit; that which is behind, within and around
everything we experience. It is absurd for us to trust in the sun but
not trust in God. Each and everyday we are confronted with the miracles
that are proof of this Presence, yet we question.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Psalm 72 Illumination
Illumination is the ability to, despite our circumstances, see the
Truth behind the appearance and make that Truth the basis for all of our
thoughts and actions. Intuitive knowledge (spiritual understanding) is
the key to abiding in Christ consciousness. Wisdom and understanding are
the true source of power, for they give us the ability to create our
experiences. Divine understanding, in essence, means accepting God as
the only Power and Presence in our lives.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Psalm 100 Present in Praise
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Psalm 46 Permanent Sanctuary
safe haven,
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Psalm 145 The Nature of God
When we begin to understand the nature of God, we cannot help but be awestruck and humbled. Thanksgiving and love are the only appropriate response. As we step out in faith, we do so based on the character of God (bless your name forever and ever), not our own worthiness. We can declare that God is foremost in our life (I will extol you, my God and my King) when we begin to understand the nature of our relationship with God. The reason that we are saved is because of God’s steadfast love. But the breadth and depth of God is infinite; and just when we think we know all there is to know about God’s wonders, we are surprised by something greater.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Psalm 65 Jehovah-Jireh, Provider of All Things
In those grace filled moments in which we see the world from the
God’s eye view; we see pure, perfect potential in every circumstance. We
know that there is no limitation in the world. There is no situation
that does not have its ‘silver lining’ in a spiritual context. Every
moment is an opportunity to be loved and loving. As children of God all
that is God’s is ours. However, we can only receive that which we
understand. And so we must come to the realization that we are and have
all that we need and want. We have the steadfast love of God.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Psalm 119:97-104 Discipline
It is not through intellectual understanding that we follow God. It is through surrendering to the Divine
that we attain wisdom and understanding. Knowing God is not an
overnight process but a lifelong one. Age does not necessarily bring
wisdom, for one who is obstinate may have lived many years, but has not
learned the true lessons of life. We can only hope that each day, in
fact every minute and second, that our mind is open and receptive enough
to learn all of the new lessons before us. When we follow the law it
is a sweet thing because we can rest in the comfort of God’s protection
and in the Truth. 8KQGVYRRHRJQ
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Psalm 66 - God's Grace
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Psalm 137 Confusion and Chaos
The rivers of Babylon represent the currents of confusion and sense consciousness that we cannot pull ourselves out of at times. These are the times that try us, when we get caught in this current inevitably we feel totally out of control of our lives and the events in our lives. We can understand why the psalmist wept when he remembered Zion, which is a loving, peaceful state of mind. Often when we are caught up in sense consciousness we are told by the media, our friends and our families that we should be happy about the material things we have attained. However we feel unhappy and in bondage to our house, our job or whatever may be the problem.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Psalm 91 Protection
When we dwell in the consciousness of the Christ, we dwell in the house of the Lord. By turning our thoughts to Truth, we establish the seeds of faith (v. 2). Once we have faith there is no fear, for in the spiritual realm the opposite of fear is faith, not courage. But it is our choice to “make our home in God.”
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Psalm 79 Blasphemy
We blaspheme against the Lord when we do not acknowledge and embrace
our oneness with God and each other. As we hold on to duality, we cannot
be healed. We experience physical, mental and emotional sickness in
their multitude of forms. When we allow ourselves to engage in irreverent thoughts we experience pain. Fortunately the laws of Being exist
to help us find and unearth those mistaken thoughts and correct them.
Every day is a new day when we decide to give up our old beliefs for new
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Psalm 14 Foolishness
The dictionary says a fool is someone who lacks understanding. It is true that only a fool would say that there is no God.
When we believe there is no God is we have undoubtedly been seduced by
the trappings of intellect and the physical realm. If we look to the
world for strength, purpose, and support, we can be tricked into
believing that there is no higher power. Unfortunately, when we succumb
to these ideas our thoughts and deeds are all corrupt because we believe
them to be of our own doing and for our own exaltation. The intention with which we act is erroneous and the results can be nothing less.
loving kindness,
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Psalm 139 God is All
When we sit back and truly contemplate all that we are, we cannot
help but be mesmerized. Each beat of our heart takes so many
interrelated processes working in exact harmony. We know that it is
impossible that human being could create something so perfect. If we
sit and observe the precision of nature, we are filled with a profound
reverence for life and for God. One can only take comfort in the immanence and steadfast love of God. We should take time to contemplate our lives and marvel at the wonder that is our existence.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Psalm 81 "Problem Solving"
left brain,
right brain
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Psalm 71 Maturity
As the years pass, our bodies, minds and spirits go through changes.
Conventional wisdom says that as our stay on this planet is prolonged,
we must experience deterioration in our bodies and minds. We have been
taught that these changes that take place are negative and that we
should fight them to the extent that we can with medical and scientific
intervention. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we must
inevitably experience change in our bodies and minds, but none of this
has to be viewed as negative or as deterioration. It is just different.
Free Kindle Download August 21-25!
We have exciting news!
For those of you who have a Kindle or have downloaded the Kindle Reader app for your computer, iPhone, iPad, Android device, or Windows device.
You can download a free digital copy of He Restores My Soul: Life Affirming Meditations on the Psalms for a limited time only. From tomorrow, August 21st through Sunday the 25th you can get your copy HERE.
Take advantage of this limited time opportunity to get the entire commentary.
For those of you who have a Kindle or have downloaded the Kindle Reader app for your computer, iPhone, iPad, Android device, or Windows device.
You can download a free digital copy of He Restores My Soul: Life Affirming Meditations on the Psalms for a limited time only. From tomorrow, August 21st through Sunday the 25th you can get your copy HERE.
Take advantage of this limited time opportunity to get the entire commentary.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Psalm 80 Look Within
As we take our spiritual journey, we should expect to have trials and
tribulations along the way. These experiences help us broaden and
strengthen our understanding and faith. There are times, however, when
we are caught off guard by these troubles and instead of looking within
for guidance; we are seduced into relying on external signs for
information and direction. Undoubtedly when we make these errors, we
experience a great deal of suffering in our lives.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Psalm 50 Judgment Days
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Psalm 107 Giving Up The Fight
Have you noticed that it is hard work to rebel against God? In a
sense, it is similar to fighting against the laws of nature. If we try
to act contrary to the law of gravity, eventually we are bound to get
hurt. Likewise, when we resist the Laws of Mind and Being, much
unnecessary pain and suffering result. It takes a lot of mental energy
to actively resist the presence of Spirit in our lives. And yet so many
of us are deeply committed to this practice.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Psalm 85 Understanding and Growth
The challenge in walking the spiritual path is that the more we
learn, the more disciplined our lives must become. We must become the
evidence of our understanding. Spiritual growth
is never a straight upward climb. There are always surges forward
followed by times of retreat and backsliding. When we become deeply
aware of our spiritual nature (restored the fortunes of Jacob),
the edges of our lives are smoothed and we seem to coast along more
easily. Inevitably, we will be asked to explore another growing edge.
These opportunities are challenging and at times it can feel as though
we are being punished (will you be angry with us forever).
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Psalm 52 Personal Will
Through the mere force of our personal will we can accomplish
incredible things. It can also lead to death and destruction. The human
will is one of the most powerful forces in our world. Will is the means
through which all our thoughts become manifest. However its power must
be harnessed and put to constructive use.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Psalm 82 Our Gifts for God
Have you noticed that some of your greatest gifts can take you down
the path that leads to your worst downfall? We all have gifts that are
obvious to us and to the world. But we must never forget how and
why these gifts came to be in our possession. God has given us faculties
which are designed to be placed in service of the Divine. Just as our
weaknesses can become a source of strength, our gifts can become an
impediment to our spiritual growth. It is all in the intention behind the use of the gift.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Psalm 30 The Great Physician
Is it God’s will for us to experience health? Doctors who understand will tell you that they do not and cannot heal. The medical profession has been trained in some protocols that may (or may not) hasten the process of healing.
But healing is a process that the created Universe seems to be bathed
in. There is a healing Presence that we have the opportunity to
experience in all facets of our lives.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Psalm 77 Remembering the Past
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Psalm 42 & 43 Altar Living
We all encounter times when we have doubts about our
faith, particularly during difficult circumstances. Rather
than allowing ourselves to get into a frame of mind that
God is not with us, we must remember to see God in all
circumstances, even those that on the surface appear to be
evil or tragic. Believers know that Spirit is working in
everything and is working for good. If we can look back at
our lives objectively, we recall the many times that the
guidance of Spirit led us through dark times and remember
how when the experience was over we were grateful for the
resulting good.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Psalm 5 The Straight and Narrow Path
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Psalm 146 Trust in God
Human beings are strange creatures in that we trust that the sun will
rise and set but do not trust in the omnipotence, omniscience and
omnipresence of God. No other creature in all of creation has less than
absolute faith in Spirit; that which is behind, within and around
everything we experience. It is absurd for us to trust in the sun but
not trust in God. Each and everyday we are confronted with the miracles
that are proof of this Presence, yet we question.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Psalm 113 Conscious Praise
Praise is something we do every minute of
everyday; most of us do it unconsciously. It does not
require that you secret yourself away somewhere or that
you go to a church. This writer gives us clues as to the
practice and purpose of praise. The psalmist says in verse
one that servants of the Lord should praise God's name. A
servant, unlike a slave, is someone who willingly serves
and obeys his master. Those who would praise God must
do so willingly. The way that we praise God is through God's
name. God's is I AM that I AM.
Whenever we utter the words I am, we are setting the Laws
of Mind into motion. When we use the words I am to
affirm the good in our lives, we are praising God. In light
of this, it behooves us all to spend some time thinking
about how often we use those words in a negative light,
taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Psalm 8 Dominion
God granted humankind dominion over the earth at the time of the
creation (Gen 3). What does this mean? It does not mean that we have
the right to do whatever we want to do to the rest of the creation.
What it does mean is that we have complete control over our world. What
each of us experiences individually is a product of our mental and
emotional state.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Psalm 104 Divine Creativity
Creative work,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Psalm 97 Right Relationship
God is in our consciousness surrounded by mystery (clouds and thick darkness). Despite this mystery, we are given a clear path by the Presence and Power of the Christ within us. Once we understand our right relationship with God (righteousness) and constructively call the laws of Mind into action (justice), we can approach the throne. We can only come forward in the knowledge that we are each children of God, inheritors of the fullness God's estate.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Psalm 67 Deliverance To
So often we think of God’s saving grace as something that lifts us out from things that we consider
undesirable. I think this is because so many of us only turn to God when
things get bad and we feel we cannot handle it ourselves. But this is
only half the story. These verses remind us that the from implies a to. Being saved is not only deliverance from “bad things,” it must be also understood as delivered to an abundance of good.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Psalm 148 The Rejuvenating Activity of Praise
Prayer and praise change people, not God. To
praise God essentially requires us to willingly put God at the center
of our lives. We must surrender all of ourselves to the Spirit.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Psalm 23 Green Pastures
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Psalm 30 The Great Physician
Is it God’s will for us to experience health? Doctors who understand will tell you that they do not and cannot heal. The medical profession has been trained in some protocols that may (or may not) hasten the process of healing.
But healing is a process that the created Universe seems to be bathed
in. There is a healing Presence that we have the opportunity to
experience in all facets of our lives.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Psalm 150 Joyous Celebration
Praise does not change God but it most definitely changes us! The
energy fields around us are a true reflection of our state of mind.
When we are living in accord with the principles of Being; we exude
grace, beauty of thought and character, and comeliness and the body is
healthy and strong. It is heard in our voice and with every gesture.
Cultivating the ability to express our luminous soul is the most
powerful music we can play. There is a natural rhythm, harmony and joy (music) established throughout the consciousness, when the soul radiates the power and presence of God.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Psalm 118 Rebirth
We celebrate the resurrection of the Christ this week. This
triumphant story has a profound connection to our own walk with God. Death is an important part of our spiritual life. In order to know God, we must die to what we think we know so that we are available to God's revelation. The creative power of God (right hand) raises us up
and out of the confusion of the world. If we
open our hearts and minds, Spirit can show us the straight and narrow
path (open to me the gates of righteousness), the way to our
inner Christ. Only when we surrender our lives to God can we enter into
our spiritual domain.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Psalm 118 Death
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Psalm 126 Awakening from the Dream
Have you noticed that we tend to label things we do not want or do
not like, evil? It is interesting how we take our own expectations and
standards and make them the benchmark for ‘right’ in the world. Much of
the suffering
in this world is merely a dream (or perhaps nightmare) of our own
creation. This is not to say that we should completely discount the
presence of evil in the world, but it does help us take a step back and
look more closely. More often than not our experience of suffering is
caused by our own inability to let go of what we think should be and
instead accepting what is.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Psalm 32 Acknowledging Our Sins
Do your sins
define who you are? Are they opportunities for you to learn and grow?
Or do you hide your sins from yourself and others to maintain a facade?
To sin is merely “to miss the mark” and we are all constantly doing
that. How we process our missteps is just as important as the actual
It is important to remember that we must acknowledge our sins before we can be healed of them. What does that mean? It does not mean that we wallow in them, feel guilty about them, give them power over us, or punish ourselves over them. It merely means that we must delve deep enough within our consciousness to know they are there. We cannot heal a trait that we do not recognize. As the psalmist says, we try to hide our iniquities from God. In reality, God is omniscient and so we have really only tried to hide our sins from ourselves.
It is important to remember that we must acknowledge our sins before we can be healed of them. What does that mean? It does not mean that we wallow in them, feel guilty about them, give them power over us, or punish ourselves over them. It merely means that we must delve deep enough within our consciousness to know they are there. We cannot heal a trait that we do not recognize. As the psalmist says, we try to hide our iniquities from God. In reality, God is omniscient and so we have really only tried to hide our sins from ourselves.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Psalm 63 Hunger and Thirst
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Psalm 27 Spiritual Warfare
When we are in the middle of difficult circumstances, there is
nothing more powerful than knowing that God is there with us and that
all is well. Our needs are already known and supplied. We do not have to
ask God for anything, we merely have to open our minds to the knowledge that there is only God in our life and bless our circumstances. In the knowledge and understanding of our rightful place as children of God, what should we fear? If all that is God’s is ours, how can there be any lack?
If God is for us, who is against us? (Rom 8:31)
Spiritual warfare
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Psalm 91 Protection
To live in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shadow of the Almighty, means to turn our life over to God and turn our thoughts
to Spiritual Truth. When we dwell in the consciousness of the Christ, we dwell in
the house of the Lord. By turning our thoughts to Truth, we establish
the seeds of faith (v. 2). Once we have faith there is no fear, for in
the spiritual realm the opposite of fear is faith, not courage. But it
is our choice to “make our home in God.”
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Psalm 99 Mystery and the Sacred Life
does it mean to live a sacred life? At its heart is a single principle: to engage the world from the the Christ presence within us. We are
created in God’s image and likeness, and as such our thought life (peoples) and physical life (earth) were created for the purpose of serving God. Spirit protects that divine spark within each an every one of us (he sits enthroned upon the cherubim). We only have to ask to be shown its magnitude, but that spark is always lit, no matter how dim the light appears to us.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Psalm 24 Sincerity
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Psalm 71 Maturity
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Psalm 19 Divine Intelligence
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Psalm 36 Unbounded Love
So often we define God’s love by our limited human ideas of what it
means to be loved. But love in the divine sense is at the same time
similar to and very different from human love. Sometimes I think of it
this way: take the highest and healthiest aspects of human love and
expand. God’s love is the impulse to oneness or unity. It is the
knowledge that we are all of one Source and the feelings, thoughts and
actions that come from that understanding.
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