Through the mere force of our personal will we can accomplish
incredible things. It can also lead to death and destruction. The human
will is one of the most powerful forces in our world. Will is the means
through which all our thoughts become manifest. However its power must
be harnessed and put to constructive use.
you ever expended a great effort to accomplish something, only to find
that you did not really want it once you got it? We must understand that
it is important to be clear about what is the motivation
and intention behind our actions before we commit our will to any
endeavor. The spiritual path is about the surrender of the personal will
to the Divine.
Faith-filled people want to surrender
to God. But this desire creates a strong reaction in the ego, because it
is concerned that it will lose power. We know that the power of love is
much more capable of ruling than the ego, but the ego has an armory of
tricks and tactics that it uses to maintain its dominance in our
consciousness. The ego is described as mighty one, and that is an
apt description. While it is under the dominion of the senses and the
material, it seems as though the will overrides all logic and reasoning.
It is very good at deceiving the mind and creating excuses for selfish
and wanton activities. During these times we find that we become more
impulsive than usual and particularly self-destructive.
But through the cleansing activity of the Spirit of God, the ego can be rightly ordered. We become like a newcomer (green olive tree)
in the house of God. The olive tree represents peace and harmony
between the material and the spiritual. Faith in God’s steadfast love
and gratitude for that love is restored. We can have our will serve
Spirit rather than our senses. Once we achieve this level of
understanding, we will find that all things in our life happen
effortlessly. When our egos get out of the way, we allow ourselves to
step into the flow of Spirit.
And so it is! Amen!
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