Through God alone we can attain our spiritual inheritance (salvation). Meditation and prayer (silence) are the means through which we commune with God and receive guidance. When negative thoughts batter our weakened mind (leaning wall, tottering fence), we must turn to God for answers. These thoughts suppress our spiritual thoughts by filling our minds. They reveal things that seem appealing (bless with their mouths) but are essentially destructive (inwardly they curse).
Any decisions based on the senses (low estate) are transitory and empty, and those based on intellect (high estate) are even less than that. It is important to put no confidence in ideas that are based in the external (extortion, robbery) regardless of the appearance of success. We must wait for the guidance of Spirit, our only hope and strength. In Spirit all decisions are right and good. God speaks once, but we must hear with our mind and with our heart (twice I have heard this) in order to discern the truth. God is behind, within and around all things. There is only God.
And so it is! Amen!
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