
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Psalm 25 Grace

English: Lucas Cranach the Elder: Law and Grac...
One of the most profoundly liberating aspects of the divine/human relationship is the nature of the grace of God. We do not have to be perfect before we receive grace. It does not require us to make amends for our past mistakes (do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions). There is no scorecard. We merely have to change our minds and make God the center of our lives.
Although God’s grace is constantly in our midst, our ability to experience that mercy is limited by our ability to give it expectant attention. Without our willingness to look for and anticipate God’s care, divine miracles can happen all around us without us experiencing the wonder of the direct knowledge of grace.

Surrender is the path to God’s grace (to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul). It is the letting go of our way so that we can embrace God’s way. For most of us this is a challenge. Surrender truly means that we give up knowing. We have at best a limited understanding of God’s ways and means (do not let me be put to shame). God’s timing and process almost never match our idea of what they “should” be. The most difficult part of the spiritual journey is cultivating the wisdom to patiently listen for the guidance of Spirit in all things (wait on the Lord) despite appearances. Those who willfully ignore these promptings inevitably create unnecessary confusion in their lives. By inserting our will in the process of the unfolding of God’s will, we create havoc and delay our good.

When we release our own ideas, we open ourselves to be shown God’s way (make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths). We, of course, have been given the Way through the power and presence of Christ within us. Each of us has our own lessons to learn. Fortunately, we each also have our inner Guide. Waiting on the Lord is not an intellectual endeavor, it is a way of being. It is living each moment trusting that God’s grace is active in our world. For those who choose to listen, there are many lessons along the way (teaches the humble his way). It is truly a blessing that we have been provided with the answers, we need only put God at the center, listen with an open heart, and obey Spirit’s beckoning (keep his covenant and decrees).

And so it is! Amen!
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